Monday, April 28, 2008

College Prep Series At The Essex Library

Sam Rosensohn of College Planning Partnerships was at the Essex Library on Wednesday, April 23rd to discuss with teens and their parents How to Prepare for College and the basics of Scholarships and Grants. He stressed the importance of preparing for college all the way through high school by taking college prep courses and studying hard. He also noted that by the end of a student's junior year in high school they should be fairly well prepared for college. They should have been consistently involved in sports, clubs or whatever interests them all through the first three years. He also suggested that all students preparing for college and the SATs go on to There you can begin looking into colleges and universities, sign up for the word or question of the day, sign up for the PSAT or SAT, look into scholarships and grants, and more.

The library has been sponsoring a monthly College Prep Series during this school year. If you have any suggestions for future programs, please contact Judie McCann at the library or at

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Welcome to the Essex Library Teen Blog!

Welcome the The Essex Library's new Teen Space Blog. I am so excited to share fun and interesting infomation with local teens. I will be periodically posting information about books, teen programming at the Essex Library, book reviews, interesting web sites, and more.

I am also looking for input from our local teens. Have you read a great book recently that you would like to share? Have you seen a movie that you would like to review? Do you want to share some of your favorite music with us? Do you have an idea for a program that you would like the library to do?

There is so much we can do to make this blog fun. I look forward to hearing from you.